Thursday, September 06, 2012

Quote of the Day: Fiscal Cliff: The Dangerous Idea of the Permanence of Low Interest Rates

The current national debt is about $16 trillion. This is just the funded portion — the unfunded liabilities of the Treasury, such as Social Security and Medicare, and off-budget items, such as guaranteed mortgages and student loans, loom much larger. Our recent era of unprecedented fiscal irresponsibility means we are throwing an additional $1 trillion or more on the pile every year. The only reason this staggering debt load hasn’t crushed us already is that the Treasury has been able to service it through historically low interest rates (now below 2 percent). These easy terms keep debt-service payments to a relatively manageable $300 billion per year.

On the current trajectory, the national debt likely will hit $20 trillion in a few years. If, by that time, interest rates were to return to 5 percent (a low rate by postwar standards) interest payments on the debt could run around $1 trillion per year. Such a sum would represent almost 40 percent of total current federal revenues and likely would constitute the single largest line item in the federal budget. A balance sheet so constructed would create an immediate fiscal crisis in the United States.

In addition to making the debt service unmanageable, a return to normal rates of interest would depress the kind of low-rate-dependent economic activity that characterizes our current economy. A slowing economy would cut down on tax revenue and trigger increased government spending to beleaguered public sectors. Higher rates on government debt also would push up mortgage rates, thereby putting renewed downward pressure on home prices and perhaps leading to another large wave of foreclosures. (My guess is that losses on government-insured mortgages alone could add several hundred billion dollars more to annual budget deficits.) When all of these factors are taken into account, I think annual deficits could quickly approach, and then exceed, $3 trillion. This would double the amount of debt we need to sell annually.

Currently, foreign creditors buy more than half of all U.S. debt issuance. Most of these purchases are motivated by political reasons that are subject to change. The buyers, who legitimately can be described as “investors,” extend credit to the United States at such generous terms largely because of America’s size, power and perceived economic unassailability. If those perceptions change, 5 percent could quickly become a floor, not a ceiling, for interest rates. Given that America’s balance sheet bears more than a casual resemblance to those of both Spain and Italy, it should not be radical to assume that one day we will be asked to pay the same amount as they do for the money we borrow. The brutal truth is that 6 percent or 7 percent interest rates will force the government to either slash federal spending across the board (including cuts to politically sensitive entitlements), raise middle-class taxes significantly, default on the debt, or hit everyone with the sustained impact of high inflation. Now that’s a real fiscal cliff.

By foolishly borrowing so heavily when interest rates are low, our government is driving us toward this cliff with its eyes firmly glued to the rearview mirror. Most economists downplay debt-servicing concerns with assertions that we have entered a new era of permanently low interest rates. This is a dangerously naive idea.

This is from Peter Schiff at the Washington Times.

My impression is that once a recession becomes a reality, the likely actions by the US government will be to undertake bailouts of the politically favored institutions similar to 2008.

Such rescue efforts will easily bring to fulfillment Mr. Schiff’s $20 trillion debt target in no time.

Eventually the US will default directly (most likely path; read Gary North and Jeffrey Hummel) or attempt to default first indirectly through monetary inflation.

Keynesians, who look to the Great Depression and the Japan lost decade as model, fails to see or are blinded to the fact that today’s problem has not only been a banking based financial crisis but compounded by sovereign debt crisis which has been unprecedented.

The root of the problem hasn't been the lack of aggregate demand but from the sustained consumption of capital which mostly has been burned through serial political rescues, malinvestments from easy money policies and worsened by unsustainable welfare warfare systems.

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