Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Quote of the Day: The Difference between a Politican and a Private sector CEO

Some of the president’s most central and important claims about Obamacare are revealed now – and widely admitted – to be wrong.  If he were the CEO of a private company he would be sued, publicly lambasted by all the major media, perhaps hauled before an admittedly grandstanding Congressional committee, and possibly prosecuted, convicted, fined, or even imprisoned for fraudulent misrepresentation.  But because Obama is a politician, his misrepresentations are excused as simplifying descriptions aimed at persuading the doofus public to fall for legislation that they would not have fallen for had the president described that legislation honestly and accurately.
This is from Café Hayek Blogger and Professor Don Boudreaux on the unraveling Obamacare. 

Politicians typically use noble sounding rhetoric (e.g. "change", "equality") to push for political agendas that serves their interests. Yet they rarely have been accountable for their actions, even in the face of flagrant failures. This gambling away of society's civil liberties, financial and economic resources and social order has largely been a product of the lack of skin in the game. 

And in the face of failures, politicians would usually resort to propaganda blitz by shifting the blame elsewhere, hoping that fickle voters will forget. And for as long as politicians can get away with this, they will keep on gambling away society's treasures.

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