Showing posts with label Tiger Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiger Economy. Show all posts

Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Go About The Different Phases of The Bullmarket Cycle

``I’m hopeful that the answer is obvious: the market reflects vastly more information than the individuals. Yet we persist in listening to individuals in order to explain the markets. Executives point to analyst reports or discussions in the media to try to understand what’s going on with their stock. The media find an esteemed strategist to explain yesterday’s market move. Don’t ask the ants, ask the colony. The market is the best source for understanding expectations.” Michael J. Mauboussin

I’d like to point out that NOT all bullmarkets are the alike.

Bullmarkets come in different phases which effectively translate to different approaches in the management of portfolios under such evolving circumstances.

Thus it would be a darned big mistake to treat bullmarkets like a one-size-fits-all or a “whack a mole”[1] game- where everytime a mole randomly pops out of the hole, one takes a whack at them with a mallet in the hope to score a point.

Unlike the whac-a-mole, the goal isn’t about scoring points. In the financial markets, the goal is about maximizing profits—unless there are more important sublime goals that supersedes the profit motive such as thrill-seeking or ego tripping (i.e. the desire to brag about the ability to “time the market”—which bluntly speaking is based MOSTLY on luck).

Nevertheless it always pays to first to identify the phases of the bullmarket before deciding on how to approach deal with it.

To borrow the bubble cycle as defined by market savant George Soros, we can note of the following phases[2]:

-the unrecognized trend,

-the beginning of the self-reinforcing process,

-the successful test

-the growing conviction, resulting in a widening divergence between reality and expectations,

-the flaw in the perceptions

-the climax

-the self reinforcing process in the opposite direction

Bubble cycles reveals of these recognizable patterns from the hindsight view (see figure 4).


Figure 4: Stages of The Boom Bust cycle

But unfolding bubbles can be identified real-time by the prevailing market actions, the psychology that undergirds market action, as well as economic data on credit dynamics. Remember, booms are always lubricated by credit—a sine qua non of all bubble cycles.

And this has been NO stranger to us.

For instance, the Philippine Phisix has had minor boom-bust cycles within the secular bullmarket cycle of 1986-1997 (right window).

One would note of the Soros boom tests in the two marked red ellipses which closely resembled the typical boom bust paradigm (left window).

In 1994-1997, the climax or the “massive flaw of perception” had been highlighted by the prominent label of “Tiger Economies”[3] (new paradigm) on the ASEAN-4, which of course, turned out to be a massive flop.

As a side note, let me tell you that the Philippines won’t be anywhere near a Tiger Economy UNTIL we learn to adapt and embrace economic freedom as a way of life. Boom bust cycles will not substitute for real growth from free trade. Instead what these policy induced actions will bring about is a false sense of prosperity and security which eventually will be unravelled.

Yet, if we read or watch media, and assume that the people imbues what media says as gospel of truths, then the prospects of a “Tiger Economy” remains an ever elusive dream. As corollary to this, the belief in the salvation by the political leadership who is assumed to take the role as economic messiah is a sign of either ignorance or immaturity or dogmatic espousal of superstition as truth.

Going back on how to read market cycles, the point I wish to make is that one should be cognizant of the operational phases of the market cycle, and adapt on the actions that befit the underlying circumstances.

At present, I would say that the Phisix has been transitioning from the “successful test” towards the “growing conviction” phase.


Figure 5: PSE Sectoral Groups: Industry Sector Rotation and Tidal Flows

And this phase will be characterized by sporadic explosive moves on select issues. But these activities will be rotated among specific issues or among issues within sectors.

So issues or sectors that may seem to have been in dormancy or has materially lagged will likewise see rejuvenated price movements overtime, while current market leaders may stall or temporarily underperform. Remember the axiom—no trend moves in a straight line, this should always apply. Otherwise those that manages to move in temporary defiance of this, would eventually pay a steep price later (Remember the BW scandal?). Hence, every action has its corresponding consequence.

And as the major benchmark continues to rise; the price levels of almost ALL issues will likewise keep in pace but differ in terms of degree, the timing and the time-motion of each price actions. But eventually, the cumulative actions would produce a net effect of having the “rising tide lifts all boats” phenomenon.

This has long been our Machlup-Livermore model.

For instance, today’s top performing sectors used to be last year’s laggard and vice versa (see figure 5).

During the last quarter of last year, the mining industry (black candle) and the service sectors (light orange) led the Phisix (red circle), and all the rest (red-banking, blue-holding, green-commercial Industrial and maroon-property) performed dismally.

And up to this point, last year’s top performers have essentially traded places with last year’s laggards, where the latter have taken much of the today’s limelight. Remember the proclivity of the crowd is to read today’s action as linear, hence while crowd may be right in major trends they are always wrong during turning points. And this applies both to specific issues and general activities on the marketplace.

And one of the latest spectacular moves has been in the property sector (maroon) which has likewise been among laggards going into July (the property sector was the third worst performer then).

But last week appears to be payback time for key property issues, as the property benchmark spectacularly skyrocketed by over 8% to nearly take the top spot which it now shares with the leaders.

And I’d venture a guess that based on the relative impact of inflation on stock market prices, today’s laggards will be doing a redux of last year’s actions soon.

To be blunt, the rotational effects will buoy the service sector and the mining industry. And a glimpse at the chart seems to show that such phenomenon may have already commenced!

Let me add that as the growing conviction phase deepens (I would presume that a break above the 2007 high should underscore this), the frequency of rotational explosive moves will increase.

Thus, trying to “time the market” will only result to missed opportunities, the chasing of higher prices and an increasing risk exposure to one’s portfolio.

Bottom line: We shouldn’t essentially “time” the market per se as the mainstream would define it, instead we should identify, read, analyse and act according to the whereabouts of the bubble cycle.

In other words, any “timing” must focus on the possibility of the emergence or rising risks of a major inflection point, in accordance to the stages of a bubble cycle. Meanwhile, all the rest of the one’s subsequent actions should be focused on the virtues of “waiting” and some “rebalancing”.

[1], Whac-A-Mole

[2] Soros George, The Alchemy of Finance p.58

[3] Tiger Cub Economies