``Our tendency to mistake the map for territory, to focus on pure and well-defined “forms”, whether objects, like triangles, or social notions, like utopias (societies built according to some blueprint of what “make sense”), even nationalities. When these ideas and crisp constructs inhabit our minds, we privilege them over less elegant objects, those with messier and less tractable structures…Platonicity is what makes us think that we understand more than we actually do.”-Nassim Nicolas Taleb
Recalling ex-Citigroup CEO Chuck Prince’s infamous quip, ``When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated. But as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance. We’re still dancing". That’s one pitfall which we stridently wish to avoid.
Thus, if a US hard landing scenario emerges where deflation or a severe credit “crunch” takes a firm grip on its markets and the economy, then the attendant monetary measures to be engaged by US authorities are likely to be aggressive (including the much ballyhooed Helicopter strategy by Ben Bernanke), considering their natural inclination to be averse to a Japan-like malaise.
As we earlier pointed out in our September 3 to 9 edition, [see A Global Depression or Platonicity?], the degree of exposure to tainted leveraged instruments in
And those advocating for a global meltdown could simply be overestimating on what they know and underestimating on what they don’t, and not giving enough room for randomness to operate, hence our tendency to “mistake the for territories” from which we cited Nassim Taleb definition of Platonicity.
As we also mentioned above, while financial globalization via integration of financial markets has the predisposition to increase correlations, different currency regimes aside from the divergent levels of development of the financial markets are likely to result to different outcomes in the face of such aggressive policy maneuvers.
For instance, considering that major currency reserve holders as
As Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley splendidly wrote (highlight ours),
``The credit crunch we are witnessing is really a ‘rich’ countries’ problem. Much of EM (the GCC countries,
If the recent credit triggered market mayhem should serve as the proverbial canary in the coal mine then figure 4 courtesy of Rating and Investment Information shows how ASEAN Credit Default Swaps performed under the recent duress.

Figure 4: Rating and Investment Information: Narrowing ASEAN Spreads Indicator of Strength?

Figure 5: IMF GFSR Report: Buyers of CDO (In percent, delta-adjusted basis)
Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) are investment grade structured finance products that are collateralized by asset backed securities, including subprime mortgages. The markets for these credit products have been heavily distressed following the string of losses brought about by the recent credit maelstrom, where estimated losses according to some analysts for the world’s biggest banks are at $77 billion with a potential to reach $260 billion (Bloomberg).
IMF’s latest Global Financial Stability Report as shown in figure 5 estimates that the bulk of the losses or those affected by these “toxic waste” products has been mostly from to the
According to the IMF (highlight ours),
``Direct exposure extends beyond the
From the IMF,
``Reflecting a weakening in credit discipline that has emerged along with the growth in credit, private sector borrowers in certain emerging markets are adopting relatively risky strategies to raise financing, often embedding exchange rate risk or options and thus increasing their exposure to volatility. Most noticeably, in some countries in Eastern Europe and
All of this simply reflects on the divergent exposures of different regions to the recent turmoil.
While we agree with the hard landing camp that trade or economic linkages are likely to affect global markets, where we part is the degree of impact. We don’t share the view of a global financial or economic meltdown.
Monetary policies even if even if they are to be ineffectual in the
Given the inflationary tendencies of central banks, under the present Paper money standard, the most likely scenario will be a shift of bubble from one asset class to another, either to commodities or to Asian markets or both.
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