Sunday, December 13, 2009

Personal Message: Dengue And Blogging

What I initially thought as an ordinary flu at the start of the week, turned into persistent high fever which eventually revealed itself as “dengue” fever.

So for the first time in 4 years, having been confined to the hospital, I was near totally detached from the market, wasn’t entirely able to access my emails or the web and spent most of the time either sleeping or watching TV series at the Hallmark, HBO movies, History Channel or National Geographic (although I occasionally did peak at financial channels against the wishes of my wife-for ‘stress reasons’).

And it is for this reason too that I haven’t been posting too.

It’s a terrible time to get downed by an ailment, since it means failing to deliver to you the updated info and analysis to mark the close of 2009. Also it implies my missing out a lot of Christmas merrymaking social activities.

And because I’m still in a recovery phase, I guess blogging will be lighter than the usual over the coming weeks and would hopefully normalize through the new year-2010.

Besides, with the upcoming holidays, another guess is that people would be less interested with serious market stuff and would be on a predominantly holiday mindset.

Thank you for your patronage,
