Friday, August 21, 2009

President Obama's Popularity Falling Back To Reality

In our January post US Politics: Extrapolating Hope and Change to Presidential Term Realities here is what we said,

``Yet high approval ratings tend to be followed by a collapse over the years."

This from Gallup

"Change we believe in" appears turning out to be-"the more things change the more they remain the same".

As H.L Mencken presciently wrote of politicians, ``These men, in point of fact, are seldom if ever moved by anything rationally describable as public spirit; there is actually no more public spirit among them than among so many burglars or street-walkers. Their purpose, first, last and all the time, is to promote their private advantage, and to that end, and that end alone, they exercise all the vast powers that are in their hands Whatever it is they seek, whether security, greater ease, more money or more power, it has to come out of the common stock, and so it diminishes the shares of all other men. Putting a new job-holder to work decreases the wages of every wage-earner in the land … Giving a job-holder more power takes something away from the liberty of all of us .…" (emphasis added)

Americans seem to be waking up to the harsh realities of life.

Yet the higher the expectations, the greater fall.

Although with the rate the above has been going, it doesn't seem to take years-after all it's been only about 7 months!

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