Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Quote of the Day: Infrastructure is the Effect of Economic Progress

Nor is it true that a substantial infrastructure is a precondition of development….  The suggestion that ready-made infrastructure is necessary for development ignores the fact that the infrastructure develops in the course of economic progress, not ahead of it.  The suggestion is yet another example of an unhistorical and unrealistic attitude to the process of development.
I am sharing Café Hayek’s or Professor Don Boudreaux’s quote of the day which is from the late Peter Bauer’s invaluable 1976 collection (page 111), Dissent on Development (Revised Edition); specifically, it’s from Bauer’s 1969 Scottish Journal of Political Economy essay

The popular notion where “infrastructure drives economic progress” which justifies for government interventions simply accounts for the fallacy of confusing cause and effects. This popular fiction has been peddled by media and politically captured institutions, which accounts for as either utter ignorance, political inculcation or propaganda aimed at brainwashing the gullible public.

In reality as recently pointed out, the industrial age had been largely driven by private sector infrastructure. This serves as evidence that growing economic activities motivates people to build and invest in infrastructure to augment their existing conditions with accumulated capital from earlier transactions.

As Professor Ludwig von Mises noted,
saving and the resulting accumulation of capital goods are at the beginning of every attempt to improve the material conditions of man; they are the foundation of human civilization. Without saving and capital accumulation there could not be any striving toward non-material ends
This means capital don't appear from nowhere!

The mystic of government’s supposed magical potency on the economy has not only been based on fallacies but on the poor understanding of capital, opportunity costs and the law of scarcity.

Moreover, such popular misimpression have been backed by the assumption that governments possess omniscience, which in reality they don’t.

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