Wednesday, June 07, 2017

How PSEi 8,000 was Attained June 7 Edition!

Here is a question: if the Phisix is truly in a healthy bullmarket then just why the need for urgency (VERTICAL price actions) and manipulations (END SESSION pumps)?
The said actions had been quite obvious in the day’s session.

There had been synchronized pumping actions directed at the top 3 namely SM (+3.72%), ALI (+3.07%) and SMPH (+.58%) which was apparently designed to offset JGS (-2.56%) that delivered about EIGHTY SIX(86.2%) percent of the day’s .62% gains!!!!!
And for the PSEi, FORTY SIX percent of the day’s gains had been carved by mark the close pump!

All mainstream sectors were involved except the services!

Today’s gains would have EXCEEDED one percent or would have reached the 8,020 level had not been for some issues that were ‘dumped’ (lower right window)

The % share of gains from the end session pump in today’s output per issue: SM 37.6%, ALI 16.3%, SMPH 76% and BPI’s resurrection from -.19% to close at 1.23% due to a stunning 1.4% magic!

This is the Philippine stock market price fixing mechanism!

Some people must be so very very very desperate to see a new high!

Caveat emptor!

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