Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Are The Odds On The Next Big Volcanic Eruption?

Here is the Economist on the odds of volcanic eruption.

According to the Economist,

``ASH propelled into the atmosphere by the eruption of a volcano in Iceland led to cancelled flights and closed airspace in Britain, Ireland, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland on Thursday April 15th. Eyjafjallajokull blasted clouds of ash several miles into the atmosphere on Wednesday night, which drifted south-east on the wind. Volcanic ash does not mix well with jet engines, hence the disruption. In addition to surprising airlines, Eyjafjallajokull caught bookmakers unawares. Paddy Power, an Irish bookie, had the odds on it erupting at 28-1. The odds are much shorter on other volcanoes around the world losing their lids."

Some thoughts to ponder on:

-Philippine Mayon volcano is out of the list, does this mean the eruption risks have diminished, even when it accounted for a minor eruption in 2009?

-has the recent spate of earthquakes from Haiti, to Chile, to
Indonesia and China been related to volcanic activities?

-so what is the relevance of climate change to the gamut of earthquakes and volcanic activities?

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