Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some Democrats Recognize The Value Of Free Trade

The following data and analysis comes from the website of US Democratic Party [the political party where one would hear a mouthful of anti free trade sentiment], the Democratic Leadership Council.

The article referred herein is about Russia as the largest country outside the WTO, and the prospects of increasing trade relations with her and the US through a membership in the WTO.


Here is the kicker from the (bold emphasis mine)

Altogether this would mark the largest burst of economic reforms and liberalizations certainly since Russia's independence in 1991, and likely rival only the perestroika era of the late 1980s as Russia's most ambitious attempt to rejoin the world economy since the First World War and the Revolution.

For the other new WTO members, this has meant big jumps in imports -- America's own export growth to these countries has been double the pace of export growth to new FTA partners and four times the rate to the rest of the world.

Res ipsa loquitor

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