Saturday, April 16, 2011

World Economic Forum on Global Network Readiness (Info Tech) and Global Competitiveness

The World Economic Forum (WEF) recently published two significant reports: one on Information Technology (IT), particularly on the ranking of Network Readiness, and the other, on Global Competitiveness.

In terms of the IT world, according to the WEF, Network Readiness Index (NRI) “mapped out the enabling factors driving networked readiness, which is the capacity of countries to fully benefit from new technologies in their competitiveness strategies and their citizens’ daily lives”.

The index, according to the WEF, has further “allowed private and public stakeholders to monitor progress for an ever-increasing number of economies all over the globe, as well as to identify competitive strengths and weaknesses in national networked readiness landscapes.”

A partial view of the global ranking of the NRI can be found below


The Philippines ranks 86th in Network Readiness.

Read the report here

The second is the Global Competitiveness report.

A partial view of the WEF Global Competitiveness table shown below.


One would notice that the order of rankings of competitiveness seem to parallel that of the NRI.

The Philippines ranks 85th here.

In measuring competitiveness based on the WEF methodology, technology readiness is just one of the 12 pillars.


In my view, as the world economy transitions into knowledge-based, and away from the industrial era configuration, competitiveness will greatly depend on the use of technology, which should bring about greater business process and organizational efficiency via increased specialization and on the tapping of niche markets.

Read the report here.

The Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011

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