Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Video: Why Social Justice is a sweeping indictment of a free society

In the following video, Jonah Goldberg of the American Enterprise Institute exposes the hidden agenda behind the demagogical term 'social justice'.

Mr. Goldberg on the great F.A. Hayek's vehement objection to 'social justice':
Hayek understood that the need for political opportunism and intellectual laziness of the term social justice was a pernicious philosophical claim—meaning freedom must be sacrificed in order redistribute income. Ultimately social justice is about the state amassing ever increasing power in order to do “good things” What are good things? Whatever the champions of ‘social justice’ decide this week.
For me, social justice can be simplified as the politics of envy. 

Hat tip Cafe Hayek, video from Prager University

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