Showing posts with label pareto efficiency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pareto efficiency. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Quote of the Day: The Mercantilist’s Pareto Strawman

The market economy has never been without its critics and enemies.  Those who feel threatened by the market; those who, however unwisely, feel they could do better without it; economists with little imagination; those, like the devotees of Pareto optima, with only too much of it; those who find most entrepreneurs disgusting characters; those attracted by the romantic charm of a feudal order in which they never had to live; social thinkers offended by the raucous tone of modern advertising; and social thinkers who know only too well how to exploit envy and greed in the service of anticapitalistic movements – all these make a formidable array of opponents.
This quote is from Ludwig Lachmann’s 1978 essay “An Austrian Stocktaking: Unsettled Questions and Tentative Answers,” Chapter 1 in Louis M. Spadaro, ed.,New Directions in Austrian Economics (1978) page 11 lifted from Professor Don Boudreaux of CafĂ© Hayek’s Quotation of the Day 

Anti-capitalists critiquing the societal benefits of voluntary exchange through the Pareto efficiency strawman have been presumptive of the possession of omniscience of the summation or aggregation of interpersonal evaluations or interpersonal utility comparisons from which to clearly establish the parameters where “no one can be made better off without making at least one individual worse off” from a “perfectly competitive equilibrium” environment.

If I go to my neighborhood sari-sari store to buy beer/s, who is to say and under what objective technical-ethical-welfare framework will they determine if my actions (as buyer) or of the sari sari store’s (as seller) are Pareto efficient or not? The government ‘expert’ or some appointed institutional economist? Duh!

Free trade have always always a function of individual actions coursed personally or through varying forms of organization where geographical or political boundaries are irrelevant.

Yet these romantic and self-absorbed (deluded) anti-capitalists utopians fail to account that in as much as the markets, which are an expression of actions constituting individual subjective value scales and time preferences, are imperfect, governments likewise operated by a cadre of individuals also should be measured by the same Pareto efficiency effected through their policies.

The appropriate question, measured relatively, should be: Which is more Pareto efficient: decentralized voluntary exchanges or centralized government coercive redistribution?

Unfortunately for the utopians there is such a thing as the law of unintended consequences: government failures.