``It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.”-Winston Churchill
Figure 2: Daily Wealth/Stockcharts.com: Where is the Fear?
Figure 3: Phisix 20-year chart: Working towards a full-cycle?
The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate hut at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups—Henry Hazlitt
``It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.”-Winston Churchill
Figure 2: Daily Wealth/Stockcharts.com: Where is the Fear?
Figure 3: Phisix 20-year chart: Working towards a full-cycle?
``Value is not embedded in the material properties of any good or service. Neither does a thing acquire value merely because labor was employed to create it. Value is not dictated by the production process or social conditioning. An economic good is valued because an individual mind values it. It is a product of the human mind.”-Jeffrey Tucker, Fortune Cookie Economics, Editor Mises.org
Figure 4: Rising Tide Lifts All Sectors?
Figure 5: Growth Stock Wire/Stockcharts.com: Unblemished seasonal Record for Oil stocks since 2002
Figure 5: Kitco: GFMS Base Metal Index: What Weakness?
``Believing that the market is “wrong” is one of the worst mistakes a trader can make. When an investment goes against an ego driven trader, they tend to play the blame game. It must be the economy... the Fed... the price of oil... bad earnings from another company in the sector. In other words, the blame is placed on everything, except for their own infallible analysis.”-Charles Delvalle, Investor’s Daily
``Once everything is in a state of flux, everything which happens is an innovation. Even when the old is repeated, it is an innovation because, under new conditions, it will have different effects. It is an innovation in its consequences … In any economic system which is in a process of change all economic activity is based on an uncertain future. It is therefore bound up in risk. It is essentially speculation."-Ludwig Von Mises
Figure 2: Bloomberg: Hong Kong’s Hang Seng and
Figure 3:
Figure 4: Bloomberg:
BCA Research observes a similar Broadening of Global Equity Rally, ``Our breadth measure for 36 major country markets has rebounded sharply in recent weeks, indicating that there is increasing participation in the equity rally. This reflects growing optimism that the
Figure 5 Economagic: CRB Futures vs. CRB Spot
Figure6 Moneyandmarkets.com: Crowded Trade
US trade deficit for August leapt to a record $69.9 billion. This trade deficit borne out of the global vendor financing scheme trade structure has been a very important source of worldwide liquidity, as
Figure 8 Gavekal Research: US Current Account Deficits and Financial Crisis
While online trading is still in an embryonic stage in the Philippine setting, the functional equivalent of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” means recognizing risks posed by “Incursion scams” and taking the necessary security measures to prevent from falling victim to these predations. Here is an important excerpts from the Reuters,
The Dow Jones Industrial Index, one of the key yardsticks for US equities hit milestone record highs last week!
Figure 1: Chartoftheday.com: Record High but needs a Hurdle to clear
Figure 2: stockcharts.com: Phisix-DJIA Close Correlation
Since the
2. Lower Energy Prices are helping CONTAIN INFLATION.
3. Stock buybacks are DRIVING earnings.
4. Money from Housing and Energy or those from the sidelines will SHIFT to Equities.
Now as to the argument that lower energy prices help contain inflation is grounded on an equally flawed premise. Dr. Frank Shostak of MAN Financials, in his very insightful contributory article to the Mises Institute, “Will An Oil Price Fall Push Inflation Down?” explains why (emphasis mine)...
``If the stock of money rises while all other things remain intact, this must lead to more money being spent on the unchanged stock of goods — which means an increase in the average price of goods. (The term "average" is used here in conceptual form. We are well aware that such average cannot be computed).
These are hardly bullish factors for US assets going forward as about 78 million baby boomers (birth years: 1946-1964) enter into the retirement age in the coming years.
This leads us back to the present fix, “Why are the markets rising amidst a mid-cycle slowdown?”
During the past month, as the seasonal strength favored rising gold prices, an abnormal degree of selling pressure sent gold prices plummeting. I initially suspected of government’s hand in trying to “manage our inflation expectations” by dumping on the gold market, and was proven right, apparently my suspicions have been confirmed by more sales by the European Central Bank according to their recent disclosures. This seems to have been timed as the calendar year for the European Central Gold Sales Agreement closed last September 26th, where they are allowed to unload 500 tonnes annually.
According to George Soros, ``One can never be sure whether it is the expectation that corresponds to the subsequent event or the subsequent event that conforms to expectation. The segregation between thoughts and events that prevails in natural science is simply missing.” In this context, I remain uncertain of my convictions over the interim simply because events have turned against them.
Yet as prudent investors we do not fight the tape. In the invaluable words of legendary trader Jesse Livermore ``There is only one side of the market, and it is not the Bull side or the Bear side, but the right side.” We have to remain flexible, in view of these circumstances.
Figure 3: Contraryinvestors.com: Second Year Presidential Cycle Pattern
As an Asian bull, I noted that the ongoing financial integration will boost valuations aside from the activities in the regional corporate arena.
Go no further, the boom is yet unraveling.