Saturday, November 07, 2009

Niche Versus Mass Marketing

Another splendid graphic from Jessica Hagy, which she calls "Ordinary Is Abundant".

From a marketing perspective, this chart/diagram basically illustrates on the distinction between mass marketing and niche marketing.

Marketing guru Seth Godin elaborates,

``Mass marketing works best when it assumes that everybody in the entire chain is just plain average. Or even a little bit less...

``Niche marketing, on the other hand, can thrive if it starts with the assumption that average products by average people for average people is just not your thing...

In short, general (mass) versus focused (niche).

As the world gets increasingly interconnected via the explosive improvements of technology, focus has been the intensifying trend of the markets.

So it would be a mistake to evaluate or discern events by simply basing on past paradigms when we have been segueing from the industrial age to the information age.

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