Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Filipinos Adore Facebook and Is "Asia's Social Media Network Capital"

Developments in the cyberspace is only confirming what the world knows about the Philippines, our addiction to "connectivity".

In the SMS sphere, we have claimed the title as the "text capital of the world" (, whereas in the cyberspace, the Philippines appears to annex the title as the "social media network capital of Asia" with particular particular preference for "Facebook". (how about Facebook capital of Asia?)

This from Comscore, (bold highlights mine)

``In February 2010, Internet users in the Asia-Pacific region averaged 2.5 hours on social networking sites during the month and visited the category an average of 15 times. Across markets, the Philippines showed the highest penetration of social networking usage with more than 90 percent of its entire Web population visiting a social networking site during the month, followed by Australia (89.6 percent penetration) and Indonesia (88.6 percent penetration).

``Social networkers in the Philippines also showed the highest level of engagement on social networking sites averaging 5.5 hours per visitor in February, with visitors frequenting the social networking category an average of 26 times during the month. Strong engagement was also exhibited by Internet users in Indonesia (5.4 hours per visitor and 22 visits per visitor), Australia (3.8 hours per visitor and 20 visits per visitor) and Malaysia (nearly 3.8 hours per visitor and 22 visits per visitor)."

As discussed in How The Information Age Is Changing Our Lives, the growing use of social media worldwide is also a phenomenon being unraveled in Asia and the Philippines. Otherwise said, the information age is clearly becoming the "new norm".

For the Philippines, this only means that our political economy will increasingly be influenced by the rate of scalability of our adaption to the information age, and this should prove positive for free markets, as our social nexus to the world percolates.

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