Saturday, December 17, 2011

On Facebook Friends

Recently I have been receiving some friend requests on my Facebook account from persons whom I am not familiar with or from outside the groups where I am part of. [Mutual friends is an indicator of this.]

While I used to accept anyone, now at least I want to get to know a little about who my prospective online friends are. I don’t like to pad up on my friends list just for the sake of a numbers game to generate ‘status’ or for mass 'networking'. [As an aside, Dunbar's number or the number of friends a typical person can have is 150 according to Seth Godin]

Particularly, I want to know who referred them or if they are readers of this blog or from the stock forum (Stock Market Pilipinas) where some of my articles have been cross posted or elsewhere.

I am open and would be glad to have new online friends, most especially if they belong to a tribe—a group with shared interests—which I am part of.

But at least I would like to get some introduction.

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