Thursday, February 09, 2012

Graphic of the Day: Share of World Market Cap by Country


From Bespoke Invest

Just a reminder: The state of today’s global equity markets have substantially been dependent on central bank steroids, especially for major economies. This means that rankings of the share of market cap can drastically change when major shifts will be made in central bank policies. Of course, given the huge margin, US equity markets will remain the leader for sometime. The important point to observe will be the change in variance .


Filipinofreedomfighter said...

Market cap of a country? What is that?

benson_te said...

Hi Kenneth,

If you press on the chart or the link which leads to the source, you will see the table of country equity indices computed as a share of world total market cap.

By the way, market capitalization is the total value of tradeable shares of a public listed company (wikipedia).

Hope this helps