Monday, April 30, 2012

China Takes Steps to Push for the Convertibility of the Yuan

China takes a step further to push for the convertibility of her currency, the yuan.

From (bold emphasis mine)

China will widen channels for capital outflows and push for a bigger role for its own currency in cross-border trade, the country's central bank said Saturday.

The People's Bank of China also repeated past pledges to continue efforts to promote convertibility of the yuan under the capital account.

"As foreign capital takes an active role in China's financial markets we will continue to allow domestic capital to participate in global financial markets," the People's Bank of China said in a summary of its China 2011 Global Financial Market Report posted on the website of its Shanghai office.

"China will further expand the use of the yuan in cross-border trade and investment, and create a virtuous circle for cross-border flows of the currency," the bank said.

The summary didn't give any details of the central bank's plans though it said the full report will be issued Saturday.

The People's Bank of China has repeatedly stated it wants to ease restrictions on converting the yuan under the capital account though it has avoided giving any timetable.

China has been encouraging its companies to take a bigger role in the global economy, and one of the key requirements for this has been to let them move foreign exchange offshore.

Beijing has also been trying to promote the use of its own currency in trade settlement, and the central bank's statements on this issue are in line with previously stated policy goals.

So based on the economy, China has been pushing for trade, integration (regionalism) and the yuan as the region's reserve currency.

But based on geopolitics, China does the “gunboat diplomacy”.

These two simply don’t add up.

Go figure.

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