Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pavlovian Markets Rise on ECB’s Proposed Deposit Guarantees

US and European stocks went back into a Risk ON mode last night while Asian stocks climb again today on another report of a planned stimulus: Deposit Guarantees.

From Reuters

European Central Bank Vice-President Vitor Constancio made a fresh push for the bank to become the supervisor of the euro zone's biggest banks on Tuesday, saying the wording of Europe's founding treaty meant it would be an easy change to make.

The ECB is the driving force behind a three-pillar plan for a euro zone banking union, consisting of central monitoring of banks, a fund to wind down big lenders and a pan-European deposit guarantee.

As previously pointed out, ‘guarantees’ signify as the politician’s and mainstream’s travesty where the public has been made to believe that government’s stamp or edicts can simply do away with the laws of economics. Everyone is made to look at the intended goal, while ignoring the reality of who pays for such guarantees and how to get there. Yet the crisis, since 2008, continues to worsen. These guarantees are really meant to pave way for massive inflationism

Nevertheless the past few days has seen an incredible surge in volatility


Monday, the US S&P had a fantastic rollercoaster 2% ride. The major US benchmark was initially up on the news of Spain’s bailout, but the day’s gains had been reversed where the S&P closed sharply down 1.14%. Last night was another huge 1.13% upside close which offset Monday’s decline.

The Risk ON-Risk OFF landscape has obviously been intensifying, all premised on government’s Pavlovian classic conditioning. I worry that these huge swings could become a dangerous precedent that could ominous of, or increase the risk of a ‘crash’, which I hope it won’t.

Financial markets has been transformed into a grand casino.

Caveat emptor

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