Friday, October 11, 2013

Marc Faber: A Corrupt System that Rewards Stupidity

Today’s political economic system has increasingly evolved to what Nassim Taleb calls as the lack of the "skin in the game" (or a syndrome combining principal agent problem and the moral hazard) or the stakeholders dilemma where political agents and their apologists hardly feel the consequences of their proposals or edicts.

These agents promote policies that pushes people to take reckless risk taking activities at the cost of the economy and freedom.

Dr. Marc Faber at the Daily Reckoning explains. (bold original)
For the greater part of human history, leaders who were in a position to exercise power were accountable for their actions. If they waged wars or had to defend their territories from invading hostile forces, they frequently lost their lives, territories, armies, power and crowns. I don’t deny that some leaders were irresponsible, but in general, they were fully aware that they were responsible for their acts and, therefore, they acted responsibly.

The problem we are faced with today is that our political and (frequently) business leaders are not being held responsible for their actions. Thomas Sowell sums it up well:

…we have today a system where leaders are not only not punished for their failures, but are actually rewarded…

“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”

When political leaders or economic policymakers are seen to fail, the worst that will happen to them is that they won’t be re-elected or reappointed. They then become a lobbyist or an adviser or consultant, and give speeches, earning in the process a high income on top of their pension.

Similarly, many corporate executives and fund managers who have no personal stake in the business that employs them will receive generous pensions even if they fail to do their job properly and are dismissed. (This doesn’t apply to hedge fund managers, most of whose wealth is invested in their funds.) In other words, probably for the first time in history, we have today a system where leaders are not only not punished for their failures, but are actually rewarded…

Recently, Warren Buffett said that the Fed was the world’s largest hedge fund. He is wrong. The world’s largest hedge funds are owned by people who are risk takers with their own money, since they are usually the largest investors in their funds. The academics at the Fed are playing with other people’s money.
Read the rest here

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