Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Personal Message: Blogging Lite

Time is gold. That’s because time is the scarcest resource for us. Money can be lost and regained but never for time. Time spent or consumed is sunk cost.

Since my beloved mom and step dad is in town for a vacation and to celebrate birthdays in the family, I will be attending and sharing precious golden moments with them until their vacation schedule ends.

This means less sitting in front of the computer, less research work and importantly less blog posts.

I am unsure if I can make my regular weekly stock market outlook for the next 2 weeks. But it would be best for me to inform you so as you would know what to expect from me.

Thank you for understanding and patronage.

In Liberty,



Anonymous said...

As President of the Te Fan Club, please by means, take as much furlough as is deemed necessary...

Family is paramount; besides our software bots have indicated that you have been working your fingers-to-the-bone...

Everyone needs time to refit...

benson_te said...

Thanks again Hans