Saturday, June 15, 2013

Quote of the Day: You cannot change people’s minds who choose to ignore reality

Right now there’s an obvious trend in the West. Government insolvency is rapidly pushing those societies down the path of tyranny– drone assassinations, digital spying, pointless wars, confiscation of bank balances, capital controls, and the criminalization of everything from raw milk to collecting rain water.

The world has been here so many times before throughout history. And the trend seems so clear. Yet only a handful of people get it. Most people don’t want to hear about it. And they certainly don’t want to believe it.

You may have experienced this first hand if you’ve ever tried to talk to friends and neighbors about the fallacies of fiat currency. 

They’ll probably ignore you. And they’ll probably ridicule you. They’ll accuse you of wearing a tin-foil hat and having lost your mind.

But as the trend continues, we’ll continue seeing a further deterioration in both economic fundamentals and civil liberties. And it will become apparent to everyone. 

More stories will break about rampant corruption and gross surveillance. Drones will become a regular part of law enforcement. US debt will pass $20 trillion. They’ll nationalize a portion of pension funds and IRA savings.

They’ll eventually pass a law connecting tax delinquency to passport registration. Social security benefits will be scaled back. They’ll authorize themselves an Internet kill switch… and use it. A national sales tax will be unrolled, and ancillary taxes on things like mobile phone useage and air transport will go through the roof.

Civil asset forfeiture will rise dramatically, and people will have their entire life’s savings caught up in a bureaucratic death trap with no hope of due process. A budding currency crisis will substantially erode people’s standard of living.

And when it does finally become apparent to everyone, they’ll bombard you with questions about what to do… and they’ll celebrate your wisdom for having seen it coming. 

An old Zen aphorism wisely states “you cannot fill a cup that is already full.” In other words, you cannot change people’s minds who choose to ignore reality.
(bold original)

This is from the prolific Simon Black from the Sovereign Man.

The choice to ignore reality is a symptom of denial. Denials represent fashionable trends which extrapolate to populist talking points on social gatherings or social status signaling. Denials can also imply deeply held political convictions. Denials may also account for indoctrination, crowd psychology and the lack of critical thinking.

However, denial will eventually be faced with harsh and punitive reality, where loss, anguish and despondence will eventually rule.

1 comment:

theyenguy said...

Please consider that God’s idea of economy is one of empire, specifically a territory where a sovereign or sovereigns rule in dominion providing seigniorage, that is moneyness, as well as ethics, that is regard for the person or property of another, or alternatively, iniquity, where poneros, that is bad, evil, and wicked influence is exercised over people.

The Apostle Paul relates in Ephesians 1:10, that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, has been appointed to rule over God’s economy bringing every age, epoch, era and time period to completion producing fullness therein.

God’s paradigm for the past age was Liberalism; it was based upon the fiat money system.

Under Liberalism, Crony Capitalism, Socialism, and Greek Socialism, provided economic and political governance, which was based upon sovereign democratic nation states, where sovereign bankers held preeminence, and waived wands of credit, producing a moral hazard based prosperity, where inflationism was in effect through interventionist schemes of the Banker Regime which provided free trade, financial deregulation, Federal Reserve POMO, lowering of central bank interest rates, Quantitative Easing, and Global ZIRP. Political parties had movements and worked their agendas. Liberalism’s dynamo was profit from banking, investment banking, corporate global growth and trade.

Yet Jesus Christ, operating at the helm of the economy of God, as presented in Ephesians 1:10, in one fell swoop, killed all existing economic and political life by destroying fiat money, on May 24, 2013, by stirring the bond vigilantes to call the Interest Rate on the US Government Note, ^TNX, higher to 2.01%, and the currency traders to start a currency war of competitive currency devaluation against the world central banks, forcing investors to deleverage out of currency carry trade investments.

God’s paradigm for the current age is Authoritarianism; it is based upon the diktat money system, which has been governing ever since the collapse of Aggregate Credit, AGG, specifically Junk Bonds, JNK, and Carry Trade Investing, ICI, on May 24, 2013 when fiat money died, introducing the age of diktak, where people trust in the diktat of sovereign regional nannycrats, such as, Klaus Regling, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, and Michel Barnier, and sovereign regional bodies such as the ECB, based upon the word, will and way of whoever rises, biting, ripping and tearing others apart, to become the top dog leader and top dog banker, to provide diktat schemes, such as bank deposits bailins, additional taxes, privatizations, sale of a country’s central bank’s gold reserves, capital controls, and measures of debt servitude, all with the aim of enforcing austerity. Mike Mish Shedlock reports Infighting is everywhere in Italy now.

Under Authoritarianism, regional governance provides both economic and political governance, and is based upon the rule of sovereign regional nannycrats and regional bodies such as the ECB, as presented in Daniel 2:25-45. The Banker Regime has been replaced by the Beast Regime, which has characteristics of a bear, lion and leopard and preys on people, overseeing totalitarian collectivism in each of humanity’s seven institutions, and rules in each of the world’s ten regions, as foretold in Revelation 13:1-4. There are no citizens of nation states, rather there are only residents of regional panopticons. Political parties have been replaced by statist public partnerships, where economic cardinals oversee the factors of production and regional economies. Authoritarianism’s dynamos are regional security, stability, and sustainability.