Here is a curious political indicator from the Economist-the Pope's popularity.
According to the Economist,
``THE pope addressed tens of thousands in St Peter’s Square on Palm Sunday (March 28th) at the start of Holy Week in the Catholic Church. Despite the crowds, Pope Benedict XVI’s popularity may be waning as a result of his handling of recent child-abuse scandals across Europe and America. Some even want him to resign for his part, before becoming pope in 2005, in a decision merely to send for therapy an alleged paedophile priest, who later returned to pastoral work. The church has said that Cardinal Ratzinger (as he then was) did not know that the priest returned to work. The pope is also accused of ignoring pleas for the removal of an American priest, who allegedly molested 200 deaf boys. Yet the pope's supporters point to his earlier efforts, reportedly ignored by his predecessor John Paul II, to launch a full inquiry into the behaviour of a cardinal in Vienna who was removed from office in 1995 after accusations of sex abuse."
While the Economist focuses on the Pope, it is noticeable that it isn't merely the Pope that has been stung by a bout of disapproval but most of the leaders of the world's major economies, particularly France's Sarkozy, (who is the most unpopular, followed by Obama, UK's Brown, EU commission's Barroso and Spain's Rodriguez Zapatero.
This is except for UN's Ki-Moon (largely neutral or marginally positive), and surprisingly Germany's Merkel which accounted for a big plus in ratings changes.
Angela Merkel is perceived to be the German version of "Maggie Thatcher".
Could it be that the world is becoming more attuned to a return of "Thatcherism" and "Reaganism" amidst today's onslaught of social democracy?

``THE pope addressed tens of thousands in St Peter’s Square on Palm Sunday (March 28th) at the start of Holy Week in the Catholic Church. Despite the crowds, Pope Benedict XVI’s popularity may be waning as a result of his handling of recent child-abuse scandals across Europe and America. Some even want him to resign for his part, before becoming pope in 2005, in a decision merely to send for therapy an alleged paedophile priest, who later returned to pastoral work. The church has said that Cardinal Ratzinger (as he then was) did not know that the priest returned to work. The pope is also accused of ignoring pleas for the removal of an American priest, who allegedly molested 200 deaf boys. Yet the pope's supporters point to his earlier efforts, reportedly ignored by his predecessor John Paul II, to launch a full inquiry into the behaviour of a cardinal in Vienna who was removed from office in 1995 after accusations of sex abuse."
While the Economist focuses on the Pope, it is noticeable that it isn't merely the Pope that has been stung by a bout of disapproval but most of the leaders of the world's major economies, particularly France's Sarkozy, (who is the most unpopular, followed by Obama, UK's Brown, EU commission's Barroso and Spain's Rodriguez Zapatero.
This is except for UN's Ki-Moon (largely neutral or marginally positive), and surprisingly Germany's Merkel which accounted for a big plus in ratings changes.
Angela Merkel is perceived to be the German version of "Maggie Thatcher".
Could it be that the world is becoming more attuned to a return of "Thatcherism" and "Reaganism" amidst today's onslaught of social democracy?