Friday, June 08, 2012

Video: Greek Central Planner Goes Berserk!

Writes Bob Wenzel at the Economic Policy Journal,
Central planning in action.

Greek far-right Golden Dawn Mp slaps another member on LIVE Tv. Golden Dawn spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris was apparently provoked when his alleged involvement in an armed robbery was mentioned. The fun stuff comes in the last 12 seconds of the clip

Politics is religion to many.

For central planners and their followers, who assume that they have far superior knowledge than the rest, any opposition to their views may lead to violent responses as they are hardly tolerant of adverse opinion.

First they resort to fallacies, then ad hominem to score debating points, and eventually such personal attacks incites physical violence.

This essentially exhibits the innate ethical philosophy of statism: the use of force.

Some pseudo experts try to dominate discussions through supposedly a 'gentle' persuasion approach. But whose subtle but incessant (nonsensical) bombardments represent no more than attempts to brainwash, in the guise of 'investment insights' or 'social justice'. They think that discussions should strictly run along their lines (even if they are based on gaping fallacies). You may even consider their spiels, a spam. And if you resist, you are deemed an idiot. They simply cannot respect diversity. For them it is either black or white, with me or against me (false choice).

Nonetheless, fatal conceit in action.

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