``I cannot find a single convincing argument that tells me that astrologers won’t do better than economists…The problem is the arrogance of these economists, they’re making people rely on theories that have not worked, do not work, and are really dangerous.” Nassim Nicholas Taleb
If you look at today’s prevailing sentiment, especially from those within the
Of course, such sentiment has been bolstered by falling asset prices, which if we borrow George Soro’s “reflexivity theory” basically means irrational beliefs or convictions reinforced by market actions can help shape reality- or that market trends have the tendency of molding fundamentals than the other way around.
In the US signs of a deepening economic slowdown, tighter access to credit, rising cost of money, declining collateral prices, forcible liquidations, rising bankruptcies and foreclosures, the seeming paucity of capital, diminishing consumer spending, decreasing business spending, falling corporate profits and a continuing gridlock in the global financial system compounded by high food and energy costs have combined to impinge on the country’s socio-ecosystem.
And the inference is that trade, finance, credit and labor linkages, aside from unpredictable tide of capital flows, effects from intertwined currency regimes and consumer sentiment channels in a more intensified and interlinked world raises the risks of a contagion-a global recession or even a world depression. (The latter has been a popular topic searched at my blog. Besides, google search shows 3,020,000 links, compared to world recession of 546,000-meaning a surge of topical resource materials)
Meanwhile, emerging markets former darlings of global investors predicated on economic growth outperformance appears to have now been consumed by the conflagration of soaring food and fuel prices or mainstream’s definition of “inflation”.
So, from the chain of linkages shown above, the world “recouples”.
Add to this dimension is that since globalization has so far bolstered the faltering US economy via the underlying strength of the global economy fed by the transmission link of dollar links and currency pegs, manifested through via the export and financial assets channels; thus, a softening of the ex-US economic growth tends ricochet back to the US economy, reinforcing a vicious countercyclical trends around the world.
Shrinking US Deficits Mean Lower Liquidity and Higher Risks

Figure 1: Gavekal: Shrinking Global Liquidity via US Trade Deficit (HT: John Maudlin)
However, the recent decline in Oil and commodity prices seem indicative of two important dynamics: one global economic growth could be in decline (see Philippine Economy: World Financial Markets Allude To Diminishing Risks of Inflation) and second, diminishing trade or current account deficits have translated to reduced US dollar based liquidity circulating throughout the world financial system.
Since most of the world transactions remain anchored to the US dollar the

Figure 2: Economagic: US Current Account, S&P 500 and US Dollar Index
We have been seeing many of these factors in motion-recession still unofficial, faltering US equity benchmarks, global credit crunch, and consolidation of trade weighted US dollar index-as the current account balance deficits have markedly improved.
So the point is global liquidity have been greatly impacted by the ongoing deleveraging process in some of the major developed economies and the pronounced transfer of wealth from oil consumers and oil producers which can equally be seen as a transfer of wealth from the private sector to the public sector (which likewise adds to the tightening). Thus, the risk environment remains elevated for MOST of the world’s financial markets.
But When The Parasite Is Removed, The Host Will Thrive.
It can also be said that we can’t disagree with the analysis that the world risks transiting into a recession, considering that OECD economies constitute nearly 2/3 of GDP (nzherald.co.nz).
But then again, given the high levels of risk aversion and the impact from contracting liquidity, we can’t also read too much of the aggregate as representative of all the parts, lest be engaged in the fallacy of division- what must be true of a whole must also be true of its constituents, because of the following:
1. There are inherent nuances in the risks profiles of every nation due to the idiosyncratic political, economic and financial/capital markets structure or in the policy directions by respective authorities, see table 1.
Table 1 Economist: Country Risks Scores
Thus, the different risk profiles will result to diverse outcomes relative to economic wellbeing or financial market performance.
2. Doomsayers could be overestimating the risks associated with the chain effects from global linkages while underestimating other variables such as domestic investment and consumption patterns aside from regionalization trends or policy levers available to authorities.

Figure 3: ADB: Emerging Asian Regionalism
In addition, learning from the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997, it is noteworthy to cite the region’s attempt to undertake insurance measures such as monetary cooperation like the Chiang Mai Initiative (CMI), or a resource pooling strategy consisting of bilateral currency swap arrangements to cushion potential recurrence of external shocks. Another is the Manila framework, “a regional surveillance mechanism to monitor economic development and issues that deserve attention by the participating members.” (ADB)
Next, in the perspective of policy leverage, the humongous currency reserves of China ($1.81 trillion as of June 2008- Bloomberg) and the rest of the emerging market rubric which accounts for 76% of the $4.9 trillion global reserves in 2007 (Michael Sesit-Bloomberg) allows for much leg room for domestic investment spending or stimulus.
Investment bank Merrill Lynch estimates that Emerging Markets are expected to pour a huge amount of these reserves into infrastructure expenditures as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: US Global Investors: Expected Share of EM Infrastructure expenditures
``The company's latest forecast said EM infrastructure spending would rise from US$ 1.25 trillion to US$ 2.25 trillion annually over the next three years, thanks to more aggressive government spending programmes, fuelled by decades of under-investment in power, transportation, and water, and higher analyst estimates.” (highlight mine).
So while the much dreaded consumer goods and services inflation wanes in the following months, we can expect EM governments to address its policy leverage by renewing its focus to build internal productive capacity.
Here in the
From the investor's point of view, areas where such huge investment undertaking will take place should translate to massive growth potentials and outsized prospective returns.
3. As we have repeatedly been saying, the problem of systemic overleveraging and the attendant market prompted deleveraging process has been mostly an Anglo Saxon or US-Europe affair with very little or minimal exposure in Asia or in the Emerging Market economies see figure 5.

Figure 5: IMF Global Financial Stability Report Update: Bank Writedowns and Capital Raised
Thus, it is essential to understand the distinction among countries baggaged by cyclical or by structural variables. This also means countries affected by countercyclical factors are likely to experience shorter term pain compared to the structurally impaired markets whose recovery are likely to be protracted due to the sizable market clearing process coming out of severe malinvestments.
So we can’t buy on the notion that the world will evolve towards absolute “convergence” based on financial market performance and or in the economic outlook in as much as we can’t expect total “divergence”.
Under today’s environment, economic and financial market performances will likely be discriminatory than a holistic episode as seen during the recent past.
To quote Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital (emphasis mine), ``The world is over-reacting to our problems, almost to the extent that we are under-reacting. Investors are over-estimating the global consequences of the collapse of the American consumer. I have long argued that American consumers have been functioning as global economic parasites, feeding off the productivity of the rest of the world. When the parasite is removed, the host will thrive. While those who have loaned us money will finally recognize their losses, the truth (belatedly recognized) will set them free. Once they move on, the world will enjoy enhanced growth, as it reclaims the savings, resources and consumer goods previously sent to
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