Thursday, March 01, 2012

Video: Ron Paul to Bernanke: The Fed is Going to Self Destruct Eventually

Fed Chair Ben Bernanke receives a tongue lashing from Ron Paul. (hat tip zero hedge)

Some note worthy quotes
System designed to pyramid debt. We have a debt based system. The more debt we have, the more debt the Federal Reserve buys, the more currency they can print. And they monetize this debt. No wonder we are in debt crisis, it’s worldwide. I think this something we have never experienced before 2:48

The Fed is going to self destruct eventually anyway when the money is gone 6:42
By the way in confirmation to Mr. Paul's statement here is a fresh news report from Bloomberg anent China's slowdown in US treasury acquisition in 2011.
The Fed remains the top holder of U.S. debt with $1.66 trillion on its balance sheet.

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