Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Third Wave Politics: Failing Nation States and the Growing Secession Movement

Industrial age centralized governments will pave way for decentralization.

In the observation of Europe Day Sovereign Man’s Simon Black writes:   (bold mine)
But what is true is that European imperialists conjured entire nations in Africa out of thin air from their palaces in Brussels, Paris, and London.

And all of this was done without any regard for ethnic, linguistic, religious, and historical divisions among the various tribes that inhabited Africa.

But what few people realize is that Europe is no different.

Think about it—the United Kingdom consists of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland lumped together in a political union.

Each is entirely different from the others. And secessionist movements are alive and well. 

Scotland will hold a referendum about its independence in September. And the troubles in Northern Ireland have plagued the region for decades. 

Belgium is a completely artificial country, and the Flemish are actively pursuing independence from the Walloons. 

In the late 19th century, Germany and Italy were both unified into modern countries from diverse fiefdoms and city-states with strong regional identities.

Those regional identities are still present today. Just a few weeks ago, a vote was held in Venice over independence for the wider region. 

The Basque separatist movements in Spain are stronger than ever. The Balkans were an absurd experiment. I could go on and on.

Europe is the best example that borders and countries are completely arbitrary. 

They are created to serve one purpose—consolidating authority over a piece of land and the people living upon it. 

Today just happens to be “Europe Day”, a holiday in which Europeans are supposed to commemorate the Schuman Declaration that jumpstarted today’s European Union. 

This is a continent that has a long history of constantly going to war with itself.

They slapped lines on a map, formed some new countries, and expected that everything would be OK.

Then they made those lines even broader when they consolidated everything into the European Union. And EU politicians are trying to make things even bigger.

History shows that when economic times are good, people are happy about unity. 

But when times are tough as they are now, divisions start creeping up. People look around and say “this system isn’t working”. 

They demand change. Sometimes violently. And we would be foolish to presume that this time is any different.

The immediate avenue for this conflict to play out is still through peaceful means—referendums and the rise of nationalist and Eurosceptic political parties. 

But it’s clear that the trend is to get smaller, not bigger. And for the system to change entirely. 

Like feudalism before it, the nation state is a failed experiment that will ultimately be replaced. It’s already happening. 
Pls continue to read here 

I previously noted that growing secession movements marks the “gradual confirmation of the predictions of futurist Alvin Toffler as elucidated in his highly prescient 1980 book, The Third Wave (p.317)
National governments, by contrast, find it difficult to customize their policies. Locked into Second Wave political and bureaucratic structures, they find it impossible to treat each region or city, each contending racial, religious, social, sexual or ethnic group differently, let alone treat each citizen as an individual. As conditions diversify, national decision-making remains ignorant of the fast-changing local requirements. If they try to identify these highly localized or specialized needs, they wind up deluged with overdetailed, indigestible data…
In consequence, national governments in Washington, London, Paris or Moscow continue, by and large, to impose uniform, standardized policies designed for a mass society on increasingly divergent and segment publics. Local and individual needs are forgotten or ignored causing the flames of resentment to reach white heat. As de-massification progresses, we can expect separatist or centrifugal forces to intensify dramatically and threaten the unity of many nation-states.
The Third Wave places enormous pressures on the nation-state from below.
Bursting bubbles will only compound on such trend.

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