Showing posts with label assasination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label assasination. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Obama’s Foreign Policy: Judge, Jury and Executioner

Paul Craig Roberts on the assassination of Anwar Awlaki and Samir Khan

But what Awlaki did or might have done is beside the point. The US Constitution requires that even the worst murderer cannot be punished until he is convicted in a court of law. When the American Civil Liberties Union challenged in federal court Obama’s assertion that he had the power to order assassinations of American citizens, the Obama Justice (sic) Department argued that Obama’s decision to have Americans murdered was an executive power beyond the reach of the judiciary.

In a decision that sealed America’s fate, federal district court judge John Bates ignored the Constitution’s requirement that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law and dismissed the case, saying that it was up to Congress to decide. Obama acted before an appeal could be heard, thus using Judge Bates’ acquiescence to establish the power and advance the transformation of the president into a Caesar that began under George W. Bush.

Read the rest here

Any foreigners, for whatever reason which mostly will signify as political opposition, can be labeled a ‘terrorist’, and thus, subject to unilateral summary execution.