Saturday, September 10, 2011

Landslide Win by Ron Paul on the GOP NBC Debate Poll


From prolific libertarian author Robert Ringer

According to a poll conducted by NBC News Political Unit Poll, the guy whom Bill O’Reilly referred to prior to Wednesday’s Republican debate as “a loon” and Dick Morris dismissed as the only candidate who had no chance of winning, 174,354 Americans not only believed Ron Paul won the debate at the Reagan Library, but did so in a landslide.

As of 4:00 pm Thursday, 54 percent (94,096 votes) voted for Ron Paul, with Mitt Romney a distant second at 15.8 percent (27,523 votes). Rick Perry, the supposed front runner, was at 13.2 percent (23,065 votes), Jon Huntsman at 6.5 percent (11,411 votes), and the rest of the field below 5 percent.

This is downright embarrassing to the Republican Party, whose establishment wishes Paul would just go away and rejoin the Libertarian Party. Left-wing moderators Brian Williams (NBC) and John Harris (Politico) did their best to diminish Paul in two ways. First, they asked him very few questions, and, second, the questions they did ask him were aimed at painting him as an extremist.

If the media cover-up regarding Paul’s popularity continues, establishment Republicans may just get their wish — at least partially. I don’t think Paul would run on the Libertarian Party ticket, but he might just form a third-party, which would probably end any hopes the Republicans have for taking back the White House.

Despite media bias against Presidential aspirant Ron Paul, the poll reveals that the trend following on classical liberalism, which Mr. Paul champions, seems to be snowballing.

Here is The Daily Show host Jon Stewart's hilarious take on the latest GOP debate

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