Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Quote of the Day: The Religion called Government

From Ron Paul

It has been said that when all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail. Our government is full of people who sincerely believe big government and more spending is the answer to every problem. They automatically look to government for every solution. Government is their hammer, and all they know to do is to keep hammering. When government "solutions" still don't solve the problems, they are unfazed. They keep calling for more government, more laws, and more programs. Americans are tired of being treated like nails.

This government-centric mindset is the root of the problem. People who think this way are naturally drawn to politics and government. To them, the Constitution is an annoying road block, something to get around, or ignore.

Such dogmatism looks like a universal phenomenon, not limited to Americans. Also this seem to deeply ingrained to the Filipino mindset.

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