Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mobile Internet: Welcoming Dr. Smartphone?

I think the major springboard in the next wave of advances in the technology sector will be in the applications aspects of the mobile internet platform.

Aside from games, mobile health services along with Mobile banking and mobile commerce are likely the high growth areas to watch.

In terms of healthcare here is a clue where application development trends are headed for, from Reuters

Tired of long waits at the hospital for medical tests? If Korean researchers have their way, your smartphone could one day eliminate that -- and perhaps even tell you that you have cancer.

A team of scientists at Korea Advanced Institute of Science of Technology (KAIST) said in a paper published in Angewandte Chemie, a German science journal, that touch screen technology can be used to detect biomolecular matter, much as is done in medical tests.

"It began from the idea that touch screens work by recognizing the electronic signs from the touch of the finger, and so the presence of specific proteins and DNA should be recognizable as well," said Hyun-gyu Park, who with Byong-yeon Won led the study.

The touch screens on smartphones, PDAs or other electronic devices work by sensing the electronic charges from the user's body on the screen. Biochemicals such as proteins and DNA molecules also carry specific electronic charges.

According to KAIST, the team's experiments showed that touch screens can recognize the existence and the concentration of DNA molecules placed on them, a first step toward one day being able to use the screens to carry out medical tests.

As I have been saying, the information or digital age will change or reconfigure the way we do things.

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