Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Who Pays For Greece's Bailout?

Great chart from the Wall Street Journal...
One, Europe including crisis affected Spain (!).

Next, the world through the IMF (186 members) via the respective quota system "Most resources for IMF loans are provided by member countries, primarily through their payment of quotas".

Importantly, the US- since she constitutes the largest share in the IMF's membership quota system [chart courtesy of Stratfor].

After all, since the US functions as the operator of the de facto monetary standard, this only implies that she can simply inflate even under her current "tight" fiscal conditions [yeah-what are we in power for?]

In addition, this also goes to show that the US has indirect means to conduct foreign policy. And that the current bailout only implies that the US has also vital political interests to protect in the Eurozone. And this became evident when President Obama called on German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the peak of the crisis.

As we've been saying all along inflationism is the standard policy approach of global policymakers or authorities to concurrent political-economic problems.

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