Friday, June 20, 2014

Swiss Politics: The Birth of a Libertarian Party UP!, “Unabhängige Partei”

Global financial strategist George Dorgan of the SNBCHF blog writes: (bold original)
On June 18th, 2014, the new radical libertarian party UP!, “Unabhängige Partei”, Independent Party was founded, a party that is independent of the state, independent of the prevailing corporatism and collectivism, independent of the new Big Brother System that is built to preserve the feudal power of existing collectives.

UP! is neither left nor right. It is simply radically libertarian.

UP! wants

-A radical dismantling of the power of the state
-Less and more simple taxes
-Stronger tax competition and therefore an abolishment of the inter-cantonal fiscal equalisation scheme
-Reduction of debt
-Reduction of public services, of social security systems and of the public redistribution
-A gradual replacement of the public pension system (AHV)  

Neutral Switzerland without restrictions on immigration and trade 

-An independent and neutral Switzerland
-A Swiss entry in EU or NATO are no option.
-Abolishment of foreign aid, that wastes resources, but an unilateral introduction of free trade
-Free migration (without access to social security systems)
-Privatisation of the asylum system   

Self-determined life 

-Legalisation of all drugs
-No infantilizing of the individual: Against curfews, against bans on gambling, on advertising, on “killer games”, on alcohol in public places
-Easier access to euthanasia
-Abolishment of the universal military conscription No taxes for the promotion of culture   

UP’s current campaigns are:

-Abolishment of TV license fees - No Billag
-Against the Big Brother State, against the BÜPF -
Good luck to the “UP Schweiz”!

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