Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Exodus in Spain: More Foreign and Local Residents Emigrate

Early this year, I posted about the coming European diaspora. Current events seem to confirm on such trends as Spain continues to suffer from an exodus of foreign and local residents.

From ABC.es 
In the first nine months of the year have left Spain 420 150 people, of which 365,238 were foreigners and 54,912 Spanish, 37,539 more than in the same period in 2011, primarily for the Spanish emigration. 

Nationals who have left Spain increased by 21.6 per cent from the 45,161 who were between January and September 2011 to 54,912 this year, according to current population estimates published on Monday that the INE. The net migration-the difference between people coming and going, which was less than 137,628 people, of which 25 539 112 089 Spanish and foreign-and for the first time has been negative for the Spanish in all the Autonomous Communities.
As previously pointed out such dynamics are cumulative symptoms of the manifold policy failures in providing economic opportunities from the rampant interventionism by European governments such as Spain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read this on, Bob Wenzel's. website..

It is almost shocking, 1% of their population has fled..

Where is General Franco? Keitel, find him at once...!