Tuesday, May 14, 2013

UN’s FAO on World Hunger: Let them eat insects

Many nasty side effects of inflationism has not only been to reduce the quality of products and services (value deflation) as well as to promote fraud, for instance in food (rat meat, horse scandal) but has also prompted policymakers to desperately scamper for solutions based on absurd premises. 

From the BBC.com (hat tip Zero Hedge)
Eating more insects could help fight world hunger, according to a new UN report.

The report by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says that eating insects could help boost nutrition and reduce pollution.

It notes than over 2 billion people worldwide already supplement their diet with insects.

However it admits that "consumer disgust" remains a large barrier in many Western countries.

Wasps, beetles and other insects are currently "underutilised" as food for people and livestock, the report says. Insect farming is "one of the many ways to address food and feed security".
Remember these multilateral institutions are taxpayer funded. This means that such bureaucracies have been benefiting from wealth transfers (taxpayers to bureaucrats) which should have been redirected instead to “hunger”.

Yet in order to sustain their privileges, they recommend bizarre elixirs instead of promoting real market based reforms. Such is an example of ‘social justice’ based on central planning.

The UN and her subsidiary the FAO should set an example.  UN-FAO leaders should require all their employees to have insects as part of their daily fare.

The last time a political leader allegedly declared sarcastically “let them cake”…such led to a bloody revolution.

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