Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Video: Nigel Farage on the Europe and the EU: Wholesale, Violent Possibly even Revolution

British politician and the “Ron Paul” of Europe, libertarian Nigel Farage in  the following speech at the Sovereign Man workshop gives two very important advice:
My fear is that in the end what will breakup the euro isn’t the economics of it, it will be wholesale, violent possibly even revolution that we see in the Mediterranean. But what I hate about this is that it is all so unnecessary.

He also says that Slovenia will bailed out in 2-3 months and that the EU governments will increasingly resort to confiscations of savings. The next advice
If you have investments, if you have money based on the Eurozone banks then my advice to you is get your money out of those banks and of those jurisdictions as quickly as you can, because next, when the next phase of the disaster come they will come for you 
Ever wonder why Berlin has transformed into a haven for bitcoins and why the furious assault on gold?

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